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MoTeC SDL Series Dash Diplays


\""\"" The MoTeC SDL Advanced Dash Logger is a combined LCD dash and high performance data logger. A big advantage of the SDL over other products in the market is its flexibility, allowing it to be adapted to any application.

With an impressive list of advanced functions, it is not only a sophisticated display and logging device, it is also very effective as a problem solving tool.


  • USB Communications
  • Doesn\'t require a parallel port - download 8Mb in under 50 seconds via USB
  • 8Mb logging memory (optional)
  • 12 bit resolution over 5V on four of the AV inputs
  • 6 CAN templates
  • 32 bit microprocessor

Download or view the SDL brochure

The SDL can be purchased as a display-only dash or as a combined dash logger with an impressive 8Mb of memory, and because each unit has data logging capability built in, display-only SDLs can be upgraded at any time via password, allowing customers to take advantage of MoTeCs data acquisition expertise at their convenience.

As a display, the compact and lightweight Sport Dash is a clever alternative to the multitude of gauges many drivers rely on to monitor parameters such as speed, RPM, boost and all the vital temperatures and pressures. The screen layout and units of measurement (e.g. imperial vs metric) are user-defined to suit individual preferences, while an optional, adjustable backlight ensures suitability for all driving conditions. To keep things running smoothly under the bonnet, fully programmable warning alarms can be set to alert drivers to such dangers as low oil pressure, high engine temperature and low fuel level. The SDL can also be configured to activate warning lights and shift lights.

With logging enabled, the unit becomes a powerful tool to analyse and improve vehicle performance, enabling users to fine tune race setup, tweak engine performance and develop faster driving techniques. With an in-built lateral G sensor, the SDL makes Track Mapping easy, and for instant feedback behind the wheel, a live Laptime Gain/Loss feature allows the driver to see at a glance how their current time compares with their fastest on file.

Data can be logged at up to 200 samples per second then quickly downloaded via USB for comprehensive analysis. Just like its big brother, the ADL2, the new SDL uses MoTeC\'s exclusive Interpreter software - the same analysis program used by championship winners and record holders worldwide. An optional Pro Analysis upgrade delivers an extensive package of advanced tools including XY plots, multiple overlays, maths functions, rainbow mapping and lap reports/statistics.

Mindful of those new to data acquisition, MoTeC has designed custom set up software, Sport Dash Manager, with a simplified interface to keep the configuration process straightforward and user-friendly. As with all MoTeC products, the software is free of charge and when new versions are released online, users can download them at no cost.

The Sport Dash Logger is equipped with CAN and RS232 communications and comes standard with a 37 pin military spec connector. An optional Wideband Lambda input allows users to log air fuel mixtures and, when combined with a MoTeC E888 expansion module, the SDL provides additional scope to measure eight exhaust gas temperatures, making it ideal for high performance V8 applications such as drag racing.

The new Sport Dash Logger comes with a two year warranty and is available now from M-CAL Performance Technology.


The MoTeC Sport Dash Logger (SDL) is supplied with software packages for managing the SDL and analysing the logged data.

Ease of use is one of the most attractive aspects of the MoTeC SDL software. There is no complex language to learn, just simple menu driven windows.

Sport Dash Manager Software
The Sport Dash Manager Software is used to configure the SDL and download logged data. It is logically laid out, giving the user access to the power of the SDL without requiring high levels of computer knowledge or intense training.

Interpreter Software
The Interpreter Software contains pre-defined configurations for easy data analysis. Screen display formats may be varied to suit all preferences, including user defined graphs, histograms and statistical summaries. By utilising these different display methods, users can view data in many formats to obtain accurate, meaningful analysis.

Data can also be exported into ASCII CSV file format for analysis in other software packages.

The Pro Analysis option includes multiple graph overlays, virtual instruments, suspension analysis, extra mathematical functions, XY graphs (scatter plots), track maps reports (section times, statistics, and other advanced features).

Download Software


The MoTeC Sport Dash Logger (SDL) is completely field updateable by the user. The control software and logged data is stored in FLASH memory. No extra programming interface is required, simply send the new program to the SDL and the latest features are immediately available.

Upgrade Options
The MoTeC SDL has field upgradeable options using a password enabling system. Upgrade options include:

  • Pro Analysis (advanced data analysis)
  • Logging (8 Mb - An SDL can be ordered as a display only unit)
  • Wideband Lambda measurement

Lap Beacon Transmitter/Receiver:
The MoTeC Lap Beacon transmitter and receiver has been designed in conjunction with the SDL. It features high channel count (990), improved optics, low power consumption and multi beacon capability.

A wide range of sensors are available for use with the ADL including:

  • linear position
  • accelerometers
  • pressure
  • resistive and thermocouple temperature sensors
  • hall and magnetic speed sensors a
  • many others

CAN Expander Module:
Connection to an E888 Expander module to read 8 thermouples

Three wiring options are available for the SDL:

  • Custom wiring looms for complex installations - recommended
  • Standard (vehicle style) wiring loom for specific installations.

And for peace of mind MoTeC offers a full 2 year worldwide warranty

SDL General

  • Microprocessor: 32 Bit High Performance
  • Manufacturing Quality standard to ISO9002
  • Field updateable Operating System
  • Non-volatile FLASH memory for data & operating system
  • High RFI Immunity
  • Rugged Aluminium Housing (IP-55, NEMA 4)
  • 37 pin Autosport connector
  • Operating Temperature: -10 to 70 DegC
  • Operating Voltage: 7 to 22 VDC
  • Operating Current: 0.25 A max.
  • Weight: 385 gms (0.85 lbs)
  • Size: 180mm x 91mm x 18mm (excluding connector)
  • Reverse Battery and Transient Protection
  • Warranty: 2 years Parts and Labour

Measurement Inputs

  • Inbuilt sensors
    • G force lateral
    • G force vertical
    • Battery voltage
    • Internal temp
  • 8 Analogue Voltage Inputs
    • 12 bit resolution
    • Inputs 1-4 with 0 - 5.5 V range (resolution 1.35mV)
    • Inputs 5-8 with 0 - 15.3 V range (resolution 3.74 mV)
    • Update rate up to 1000Hz
  • 4 Analogue Temperature Inputs
    • 12 bit resolution, 0 - 15.3V range
    • Internal 1K pull-up to 5V
    • Update rate up to 500 Hz
  • 2 Digital Inputs
  • 2 Speed Inputs
      Digital & Speed
    • Switch to OV, logic signal, open collector (Hall Effect), or Magnetic
    • State & Counting (1MHz)
    • Period (1 micro sec)
    • Pulse width (1 micro sec)
  • 2 Switch Inputs
  • User definable sensor calibrations

Auxiliary Outputs

  • 4 Digital Outputs
    • Open Collector (drives to ground) with pullup (10k ohms) to battery positive
    • Switchable On/Off
    • 0.5 Amp maximum continuous current per output, current limited and thermal overload protected

Air Fuel Ratio Measurement (Optional)

  • 1 high accuracy Wideband Lambda (Air/Fuel ratio) input
  • Resolution: 0.01 Lambda
  • Temperature compensated
  • Range: 0.75 to 1.2 Lambda

Data Logging

  • Memory: 8MB (Optional)
  • Non-volatile FLASH, field upgradeable
  • Logging of any Analogue, Digital, Serial, CAN bus or Calculated channel
  • Typical Unload Speed: ~50 seconds or less for 8Mb over USB
       CAN unload rates: 19sec/Mb
  • Automatic logging when RPM detected or user definable start/stop conditions


  • Lap Time and Number
  • Running Lap Time Gain/Loss
  • Gear Detection
  • Fuel Prediction
  • Max straight speed / Min corner speed


  • Custom LCD, High Contrast, High Temperature, Reflective    Optional Backlight
  • Display any Analogue, Digital, Serial, CAN bus channel or Calculated channel
  • 1 Display Mode
  • 70 Segment RPM bar graph with definable Range
  • 4 Numeric Display Items
  • 13 Digit Alpha Numeric Display area, 1,2 or 3 channels per line
  • (10 scrollable lines per display mode)
  • Alarm messages with Channel display and Descriptive text


  • USB 2.0
  • CAN data link (250Kbit to 1Mbit)
  • RS232 (receive at 1200 to 57.6 kbaud)

PC Software

Upgrades Available (field updateable by the user):

Data Logging

  • 8Mb log memory

Pro Analysis - Advanced Analysis Software

  • Multiple Graph Overlays
  • Suspension Analysis
  • Statistic Zoom
  • XY Plots
  • Maths functions
  • Virtual Instruments display
  • Track Map Reports: Section Times, Statistics

Lambda Measurement

  • 1 Wideband Lambda input


  • Wiring Looms
  • Lambda (Air/Fuel ratio) Sensors and Kits
  • Sensors and transducers - a full range of sensors, amplifiers, transducers, lights and buttons are available
  • Lap Beacon: Transmitter and Receiver (990 channel) 


Recommended Specifications:

  • PC running Windows 98/2000/XP
  • Pentium III or better
  • 64Mb RAM or greater
  • Monitor with minimum of 800 x 600 resolution
  • Standard RS232 serial port (for M4/48/8 ECU & PLM)
  • Standard printer port (for ADL and M800)
  • USB port (for ADL2 / SDL)
The MoTeC SDL Advanced Dash Logger is a combined LCD dash and high performance data logger. A big advantage of the SDL over other products in the market is its flexibility, allowing it to be adapted to any application. With an impressive list of advanced functions, it is not only a sophisticated display and logging device, it is also very effective as a problem solving tool. USB Communications Doesn't require a parallel port - download 8Mb in under 50 seconds via USB 8Mb logging memory (optional) 12 bit resolution over 5V on four of the AV inputs 6 CAN templates 32 bit microprocessor

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